Learning Opportunities

Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing technique that enhances relaxation and helps bring energy and balance to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Reiki classes are for anyone who wants to have increased energy, healing and clarity in their life. Wherever you are on your journey it is the perfect time to move towards more healing. 

Reiki classes are a great opportunity to learn and receive a day of relaxation, healing and well-being. In addition it is an incredible opportunity for self-transformation and growth. During the class you will have many direct experiences with Reiki energy.

A Reiki manual is included with each class. Reiki students of Attune: The Art of Reiki have access to regular Reiki shares and learning opportunities.

Group classes and One-on-One Training is available. 

Reiki One, Shoden

The system of Reiki helps us to let go of our stress and worry. Then we can be more compassionate, grounded and empowered. Reiki classes are for anyone who wants to learn how to cultivate your energy, meditate, heal and have more peace in our lives.

Shoden means beginner's mind. We learn to empty our mind, body and hearts so that there is room for infinite potential and energy. The student is embarking on a path of self-discovery from within. During class we discuss the history of Reiki, practice the fundamental Reiki principles, meditations, techniques, hands on healing and receive Reiju/Attunements.

We will have lots of practice giving and receiving Reiki to yourself and others. Reiki manuals and handouts are included with the class and students receive on-going support from the teacher.

Two days of immersion in Reiki, learning in a small group setting and fun!  Space is limited, registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. 

Reiki Level One Class Details:

Dates: September 14th - 15th, 2024

Time: Two days of training.  Saturday 11:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. , Sunday 10:00- 5:30 P.M. 

Place: Cincinnati, Ohio

Cost: $300 plus $50 *non-refundable deposit to register for a total of $350.

Students re-sitting cost: $250

Reiki Two, Okuden

Okuden means hidden or inner teachings. We uncover and strengthen our inner light and wisdom. Reiki Two deepens our journey of understanding and self-development. We will focus on developing spiritual and mental focus, techniques, meditations, hands on healing, mantras, symbols, and finally Reiju and Attunements.  We will have plenty of direct experience with Reiki energy while we practice giving and receiving Reiki, chanting, meditating, and working with the precepts. Reiki manuals and handouts are included with the class and on-going support from the teacher. 

Reiki Level Two Class Details: 

 Prerequisite: Reiki Level One

Dates: July 13th-14th, 2024

Time: Two days of training, Saturday 11:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. , Sunday 10:00- 5:30 P.M. 

Cost: $400 plus $50 *non-refundable deposit to register, for a total of $450.

Students re-sitting cost: $250

Reiki Three Class, Shinpiden

Shinpiden means mystery teachings. This level is a continuation of uncovering our inner light and healing. These teachings are an exciting part of our journey as we go deeper into remembering our infinite nature. We learn to BE Reiki in each moment as we practice to embody the reiki precepts. Deeper Japanese cultural and philosophical understandings are also taught. In class we will work with the five pillars of the system of Reiki; developing spiritual and mental focus, techniques and meditations, hands on healing, mantras and symbols, Reiju/ Attunements. Reiki Manuals and handouts are included with the class and students receive on-going support from the teacher. 

Three days of healing, learning and fun!  

Reiki Level Three Class Details:

Prerequisite: Reiki Level One and Reiki Level Two

Date: TBA, Three days of Training Saturday 11:00 - 5:30, Sunday 10:00 - 5:00, Monday 10:00 - 5:00

Cost: $750 plus $100 *non-refundable deposit for a total of $850. 

Students re-sitting cost: $450

Shinpiden Classes are for Reiki practitioners of all lineages .  Attune: The Art of Reiki often teaches students from many different lineages. If your Reiki Level One and Two training are from a different lineage it may be beneficial for you to set up Personal Teaching time with Maria to support your transition to International House of Reiki and Shinpiden training. 

Cincinnati “The Way of Reiki” Retreat 12th, 13th and 14th, April 2024, hosting Frans Stiene from IHReiki

Pre-Requisites: All lineages and Reiki Levels Welcome

4 Day The Way of Reiki Retreat

The Way of Reiki Retreat is the perfect prescription for any practitioner or teacher, new or experienced, and from any lineage. An opportunity to meet and practice with renowned Reiki teacher Frans Stiene. 

Click the link below for more information and to register. 



Personal Reiki Retreat

One-On-One training/ retreat for advanced Reiki practitioners, or a Reiki refresher course to invigorate yourself and your practice.  

Immerse yourself in Reiki, deepen your practice and understanding of Reiki. Learn advanced practices, receive a day of Reiki to support you in your transformation and spiritual journey. Chanting, meditation and technique support and in depth training. Support for your spiritual journey and transformation. 

You can request a day of Reiki  with Maria. The day will are tailored to your individual needs and are offered to help you to receive the one on one support for your spiritual development, your transformation and growth. These can create a strong foundation for you to develop your inner wisdom and wholeness. We begin to rest more in our true nature of peace. 

Class Details:

Prerequisite: Reiki training from any lineage or level. 

Cost: $300

Cincinnati Shinpiden Level 3 Hosting Frans Stiene International House of Reiki, April 6,7,8th 9:00- 5:00 each day

Pre-Requisites: Any Okuden Reiki II or existing Reiki Teacher/Master
Transition course, if required, is included in the course fee.

Shinpiden is the Japanese word for ‘mystery teachings’. It is aimed at Level II practitioners or established Reiki Teachers who wish to continue their personal journey, a journey that is ongoing long after you complete the Shinpiden course. It is therefore not just about teaching and is even suitable for those who wish to simply develop their personal Reiki practise and occasionally teach those around them.

Self-empowerment is attained in Shinpiden through a strong energetic connection to the source of Reiki. It is also the result of the confidence you will feel as a result of your thorough knowledge of Reiki – how it works, what all the variations on Reiki actually are, where Reiki stands in the world today, the Japanese shirusi (symbols) and jumon (mantras) and their connection to Japanese philosophies and what the origin of Reiki’s spiritual nature is.

One of the major focuses of this course is to tap into the sense that you are, and always were, a great, bright light – this is achieved by working with the fourth shirushi and jumon. 

Please follow the link to register: 


All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2024 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.