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Every day can be a feast of Thanksgiving

 For the rest of the month make every day a day to give thanks. Make gratitude your focus and see what happens!

 Wake up and take a moment for gratitude: Be grateful for another day, for your night of rest, for the home you live in. 

 Throughout your day try to notice what you can be grateful for. The morning light? The family dog that gives you an opportunity to walk outside? Take note of what makes you feel that sense of gratitude or beauty in the world. Every time you see something or someone that you are grateful for say thank you. 

 During lunch or dinner take a minute before eating to be aware of the food you are going to eat. Be grateful for the sun, rain, and soil that created the vegetables; for the farmers and all the hard work that made the food in front of you. Let gratitude fill your heart and help you to receive all the nourishment you need physically and spiritually.

Before going to bed, set a little notebook on your bedside table. Each night you can write down what you were grateful for that day. As you write it, feel that feeling again. Really connect with it. Remember those moments of a smile, a good work, the sunshine, or hug from a friend.  Make everyday a feast of thanksgiving. 

With love and gratitude for you,


All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2007 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.