This page is to share our inspirations, thoughts, and ideas.
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The Gift of Presence

This is the season of giving and celebrating together. We celebrate the light of happiness and peace in all people. We come together in the warmth of friendship to share our love and laughter. Renewing our connections to each other and all that is bright in the world.

As you prepare to celebrate think back to this time last year. What made it special? What do you remember most? Time spent with loved ones? Quiet mornings or fun with friends? Was it the kindness of others or a gift of service? Most likely it wasn't stuff that made you truly happy.

Remember that YOU are the biggest gift that you can give. People appreciate when you pay attention to them. Don't be in a hurry to get to the next moment. Enjoy now. Being present helps you to enjoy the world around you and creates a richer more vibrant life. Show compassion to yourself and others this season. Slow down and enjoy nourishing your soul.

Thanks for being on this journey with me.

With Love,

Maria Kammerer

All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2007 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.