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The Reiki Precepts

For today only:

Do not anger

Do not worry

Be humble

Be honest in your work

Be compassionate to yourself and others.

The Reiki Precepts are guidelines for me on how to best live my life.  They remind me to live my life one moment at a time. I am lucky to be able to be in this body and have this chance to fulfill my life's purpose.  When we are angry we are thinking about what is in the past. When we are worried we are thinking about the future. We can't hold on to those thoughts and feelings. We must try to be in the moment. Now is the moment when you have the power to act. To say what you need to say. To really feel what you need to. Why wait to be compassionate to yourself and others. For today only be yourself. 

All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2007 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.